TragicServers 256 MB RAM KVM VPS Los Angeles Bewertung

TragicServers 256 MB RAM KVM VPS Los Angeles Bewertung

Details: TragicServers: 20 $/Jahr/256 MB/10 GB Speicherplatz/500 GB Datenverkehr/KVM/Los Angeles Knoten: Knoten kvm-e5la1

Systeminformationen und Bandbreitentest :

 System Info ----------- Processor : QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6) CPU Cores : 1 Frequency : 2400.084 MHz Memory : 238 MB Swap : 127 MB Uptime : 35 min, OS : CentOS release 6.6 (Final) Arch : x86_64 (64 Bit) Kernel : 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64 Hostname : localhost.localdomain Speedtest (IPv4 only) --------------------- Your public IPv4 is Location Provider Speed CDN Cachefly 53.7MB/s Atlanta, GA, US Coloat 6.02MB/s Dallas, TX, US Softlayer 7.57MB/s Seattle, WA, US Softlayer 8.79MB/s San Jose, CA, US Softlayer 12.1MB/s Washington, DC, US Softlayer 5.64MB/s Tokyo, Japan Linode 4.84MB/s Singapore Softlayer 3.02MB/s Rotterdam, Netherlands 3.10MB/s Haarlem, Netherlands Leaseweb 10.1MB/s Disk Speed ---------- I/O (1st run) : 309 MB/s I/O (2nd run) : 432 MB/s I/O (3rd run) : 411 MB/s Average I/O : 384 MB/s

UnixBench-Ergebnis :

 Benchmark Run: Sat Sep 17 2016 09:13:50 - 09:42:04 1 CPU in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests Dhrystone 2 using register variables 23988434.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Double-Precision Whetstone 2797.4 MWIPS (10.0 s, 7 samples) Execl Throughput 3663.3 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 829307.1 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 242360.4 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1682136.0 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) Pipe Throughput 1845644.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Pipe-based Context Switching 286338.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Process Creation 11293.4 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples) Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 4398.3 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples) Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 593.1 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples) System Call Overhead 3389883.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 23988434.0 2055.6 Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 2797.4 508.6 Execl Throughput 43.0 3663.3 851.9 File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 829307.1 2094.2 File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 242360.4 1464.4 File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 1682136.0 2900.2 Pipe Throughput 12440.0 1845644.0 1483.6 Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 286338.2 715.8 Process Creation 126.0 11293.4 896.3 Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 4398.3 1037.3 Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 593.1 988.5 System Call Overhead 15000.0 3389883.5 2259.9 ======== System Benchmarks Index Score 1269.2

Inlandsgeschwindigkeit :

Paketverlusttest :

 Ping from to ============================================================================== 09/17 10:01:14.880 Ping to with 32 bytes of data and 32 of TTL: 09/17 10:01:15.080 PingMin #1 Reply 32 bytes from time=191ms TTL=51, ave=191.00ms 09/17 10:01:16.070 PingMin #2 Reply 32 bytes from time=188ms TTL=51, ave=189.50ms 09/17 10:01:23.073 PingMax #9 Reply 32 bytes from time=194ms TTL=51, ave=190.56ms 09/17 10:01:24.591 超時#10 *****(32 bytes) 請求超時。 09/17 10:01:30.067 PingMin #16 Reply 32 bytes from time=187ms TTL=51, ave=190.13ms 09/17 10:01:34.071 === 20 有效發送, 19 接收, 5.00% 丟失, 190.11ms 平均值=== --- 結果& 統計信息------------------------------------------------------開始時間: 2016/09/17 10:01:14經過時間: 000:00:19結束時間: 2016/09/17 10:01:34 ---------------- 20 總計發送0 無效接收(除了超時的其它錯誤) ---------------- 20 有效發送19 有效接收1 timed out (5.00% 丟失) Ping 最小值187ms, 最大值194ms, 平均值190.11ms

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